Here are described some basic settings for QVM-I, which are available via the in the start window.
Under Units you can select different display options of the coordinate system DDDDD DDMMM DDMMSS UTM and the unit Metrisch Nautisch Englisch.
With a click on GPS you can select between energy saving functions of the iOS, you can have your position beeing centered automatically, you can also adjust the resolution (low/intermediate/high) of the active tracklog.
Under NAVIGATION there are three options:
The tab Map has the following options:
Under Map Scale there are two options:
Under Key are two more tabs QMZ_Kartenschlüssel and EasyROUTES_Portal which are more described at the end of the page.
Under New Waypoint there is the option to set the name scheme of new waypoints.
You are a subscriber of the Motorrad- oder Tourenfahrer magazine and registered? Then you can utilize the tour data base in QVM-I and in the Tourenfahrer App ERM-I! Just enter your login data permanently into the two fields to search for tours with the function find from QVM. |