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Navigation and Routing

In QuoVadis Mobile you have the possibility to execute a simple target navigation. You can be navigated from your location to a stored waypoint, or determine a location or adress from the list Find or a created route from [QVC].

Select Routing Type

With QVM-W you can calculate a route in different ways.

  • E.g. to an adress or location, which you type in,
  • or a name which can be found in an existing data base,
  • or a POI from OSM data,
  • you can also select one of your previous targets,
  • or your favorite targets, which you have marked as Favorit
  • or directly in the map to the map cursor.
Location or adress In existing data base From POIs

The Different Routing Possibilities

Here the different routing possibilities with QVM-A are briefly described:

  • Routing via Find
  • Routing with Waypoints
  • Routing with Cursor
  • Routing with Track Navigation

Routing via Find

When you selected your target simply via Find, you can
A) display it before on the map page.

B) start a navigation directly. For this purpose please mark your target and click on the small flag at the upper edge of the screen. The route to your waypoint will be calculated from your current location immediately.

Here you have the possibility to determine the Routing preferences for the calculation of the route.

Different Calculation Possibilities are available:

  • On- or Offroad-Routing
  • Drive or walk
  • Fastest or shortest route
  • For road navigation there are currently two Routing-Engines available: Microsoft Offline and Bing Online.

Now you see the calculated route. As usual in [QVC], the route is displayed in purple in the map view. You also hear the required driving directions.

You can also click on the yellow field to obtain further options for the route, such as:

  • Stop navigation
  • Recalculate route
  • Station list
  • Navigate back to starting point

In the station list you see the single stations of your route.

Routing with Cursor

If you would like to plan quickly a route on your holiday destination, you can manage via the Cursor Routing. The created route can be stored or be calculated from the current location immediately.

Switch on the map page to and click on the symbol. The routing preferences will be opened that you can determine the routing type. Afterwards the symbol remains activ for further points to set.

If you created all waypoints, the cursor route can be stored in the active DB. For this please click again on the symbol. Via Route Options, you can edit the calculation once again. The saved cursor route will be displayed in another color.

A quick click on the route opens a menu to make further settings.

If you switch in your data base to the route table and click on the cursor route, you get to Route Info. Switch to the RWPs for changing the labels of the RWPs if necessary. For this purpose please click on (e.g.) the interim target 004 and then on Edit RWPs. Now different edit- and viewing possibilities are opening. The top selection leads you to WP info. Here you can edit appearance and labeling of the WPs. And you have the possibility to shift the order of the RWPs, to reverse or recalculate the route.

When your compiled route is finished, it can be calculated immediately. If you are not located at the starting point of the route, it is at first calculated to that point. For this purpose you click as usual on the symbol for calculating the route.

Routing with Waypoints

Creating a route with waypoints is similar to the cursor route! It is also a bit more difficult to select the right position of the cursor, but it should get easier after some practice. Already existing waypoints will be adopted by a route.

The following steps have to be done additionally:

  • Create a new route (e.g. test route) in a route table (e.g. test data base). For this click on
  • Mark the desired waypoints in the waypoint table with putting a check at the box in front of the WP.
Create new route with + Empty test route in the DB Copy WPs into the DB
  • Click on an copy the waypoints to the clipboard.
  • Switch in the dialog of the created route and select the tab RWPs.
  • Via Edit RWPs you select the menu option insert.
  • Now the waypoints are integrated into the route in the same order as they were available in the waypoint table.
  • To change the order click on the waypoint of the route and select Edit RWPs. A popup dialog appears with the options upward and downward.
Insert WPs into RWPs WPs were inserted Edit WPs
  • Save the route with a click on , if you agree with the order of the RWP.
  • Via Routing Options you can edit the calculation of the route and recalculate afterwards.
Route with WP in the map Route calculated completely Calculation until starting point of the route

Here you also have the option to insert a new waypoint into the route and move it on the desired position!
Just click on the route until the menu appears. Afterwards set the new waypoint. You can move it also to the desired position.

Insert WP Move WP WP at desired position

Track Navigation

With track navigation you can follow existing tracks with navigation instructions. No matter if they are own tracks or downloaded from GPSies or easyROUTES Tourdatenbank.

The followingproceduremust be followed :

  • Open the data base with the desired track. In our example: Loheidesee 10 km
  • Click on the track for entering the Track Info
  • Select the symbol for the route calculation (Here are no preference options available)
  • Click on OK
  • If you are not located at the starting point of the track, a route will be calculated to that point (like in our example).
  • The calculated route is visible in the map after you clicked on in the DB
Select Track View Info on Track Start Calculation
View in map Station List

Of course you have further options.

  • Switch to the PM
  • Select your active route with a quick click
  • You can change the style of the route
  • You obtain information of the route and you see the single RWPs
DB with the active route Change Style Waypoints of the route

Edit Route

This section is relevant for the active route or a cursor route
Like in [QVC] you can edit the single RWPs or the style of the RWP line. To do this, click on the calculated route. A selection appears and you click on Info.

Under the tab Style you can select another color and transparancy or change the width of the line. (from XS to XL)
Under the tab RouteWaypoints you can select single waypoints and switch to their position in the map or you can delete them.

With a click on the route a menu with the following options appears:

  • Hide route
  • Info
  • Insert new RWP
  • Recalculate

Insert a new RWP into an existing route
Your route was calculated but you would like to make an interstop somewhere. For this purpose please insert a route point into the calculated route.
This is done as decribed below:

  • Route is visible in the map
  • Click on the route until selection appears
  • Select Insert new RWP
  • A new RWP with a blue drag point appears
  • Click on the drag point and move the RWP on the desired position.
  • The route will be changed and calculated accordingly.

Of course, there are options for editing available for the new RWP. Just click on the new route point.

en/20_overview/70_navigation_und_routing.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/16 22:05 (external edit)